2020. 1. 23. 05:25ㆍ카테고리 없음
Flooder is not mine (made by Unixpickle):Unixpickle Kahoot GitHub Link:GIT Download Link:Go Language Download:CMD Commands:go get github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hackgo get github.com/gorilla/websocketCMD Interface (Copy and paste everything under the line):@echo offtitle Kahoot Command Line:MAINcolor 0Dclsecho echo Kahoot Command Lineecho Made By K4CZP3Recho Brought to you by skelentocaecho echo.echo 'w - Works'echo.echo What do you wanna do?echo 1. Kahoot-crash - trigger an exception on the host's computerecho 2. Kahoot-flood - w - join a game with defined amount of botsecho 3. Kahoot-html - join a game with html-rich nicknamesecho 4.
Kahoot bot is only spam. Simply enter your game pin and nickname, from kahoot.com The tool will get the answers in the current kahoot game and allow you to answer the questions correctly with once click. Another fun thing you can do with the Kahoot hack is spam/flood the current quiz with as many users as you want. There are number of things on internet which you cannot hack but there is a trick to add number of bots as you want to take part in kahoot. Read Also: How to setup Game Guardian Apk Download for Android Devices. How to Hack Kahoot. You need to take the following steps to hack kahoot or you can spam kahoot by taking looking on them.
Kahoot Killer
Kahoot-play - w - play normal kahoot game in cmdecho 5. Kahoot-profane - w - Allows to join with any nicknameecho 6. Kahoot-rand - w - Like flood but bots can randomly answer to questionsecho 7. Kahoot-xss - Execute javascript on host's computerset /p mchoice=Select number:if%mchoice%1 GOTO crashif%mchoice%2 GOTO floodif%mchoice%3 GOTO htmlif%mchoice%4 GOTO playif%mchoice%5 GOTO profaneif%mchoice%6 GOTO randif%mchoice%7 GOTO xssGOTO nothingselected:xssecho.echo -echo To use xss you'll need:echo 1. Gamepinecho 2.
Scriptecho.set /p xsspin=Insert Gamepin:set /p xssscript=Insert Script:go run%GOPATH%/src/github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hack/kahoot-xss/main.go%xsspin%%xssscript%pauseGOTO MAIN:randecho.echo -echo Select rand modeecho 1. Nickname prefixecho 2. Txt file with nicknamesecho.set /p randmode=Select mode:if%randmode%1 GOTO randnickif%randmode%2 GOTO randtxtGOTO nothingselected:randnickecho.echo -echo To use rand (prefix) you'll need:echo 1.
Gamepinecho 2. Nickname prefixecho 3. Count of botsecho.set /p randnpin=Insert Gamepin:set /p randnprefix=Insert Prefix:set /p randncount=Insert Count of bots:go run%GOPATH%/src/github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hack/kahoot-rand/main.go%randnpin%%randnprefix%%randncount%pauseGOTO MAIN:randtxtecho.echo -echo To use rand (txt) you'll need:echo 1. Gamepinecho 2.
Kahoot Spam Online
Location of txt fileecho.set /p randtpin=Insert Gamepin:set /p randttxtloc=Insert Location of txt file:go run%GOPATH%/src/github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hack/kahoot-rand/main.go%randtpin%%randttxtloc%pauseGOTO MAIN:profaneecho.echo -echo To use profane you'll need:echo 1. Gamepinecho 2. Nickname prefixecho 3.